Reference Documents

YMUNT XI is excited to provide reference documents to help prepare delegates for the conference. Whether it is your first time ever competing in Model UN, or if you are an experienced delegate who is looking for a quick refresher, we hope that these materials will help you as you prepare for committee! Please refer to our Online Training Program for more comprehensive, in-depth guidance.

sample position paper

Delegates will write position papers for their Country in the Committee that they have signed up for. Please email your Committee Director (email found in the Committee Topic Guide) if you have any questions. Click here for more information on position papers.

UNA-USA procedure flowchart

The flowchart is designed as a loose guide for delegates to familiarize them with the procedure ahead of the conference. This is meant to be a supplement to our Online Training Program, including our Mock Committee Video. 

Speech outline and sample speech

This speech outline and sample speech is designed to guide delegates who are nervous about public speaking or perhaps have never attended a Model UN conference in the past.

sample resolution

Delegates will write resolutions during committee sessions throughout the conference. While delegates are welcome to practice writing resolutions ahead of time, no pre-written resolutions are allowed during the conference. Delegates are encouraged to work in Resolution Groups with fellow students in order to craft a unified and impactful resolution. 

glossary of terms

This is a list of terms, including motions and points, that are commonly used during Model UN committees, regardless of the type of procedure that is being used (UNA-USA Procedure).